


CLEAR’s work could not continue without the unstinting and unwavering generosity of our loyal supporters. There are many ways you can support us:


1250/- photocopies 25 charge sheets and witness statements for prisoners who don’t know what they are charged with.
3,000/- funds an “average case” in the CLEAR office.
60,000/- provides for a legal education seminar in an prison or village.
370,000/- pays for one office’s prison decongestion programme for a year.
1,850,000 runs a CLEAR office for an entire year, including salaries and rent.
6,200,000 opens two new legal aid centres in marginalised communities in Kenya.

You can donate to CLEAR Kenya either via a one-off payment or regular instalments. There are a two methods to do this:

• MPESA Paybill No.750277 A/C Name: Kenya Christian Fellowship
• African Banking Corporation Ltd
A/C No. 2000010774
Whichever way you decide to donate, please inform Joyce Kabaki (Executive Director) by phone (0727525858) or via email (


Have you ever wondered what it is like to represent a death row inmate, offer legal advice to prisoners, or even conduct a legal education seminar in a school or community centre? Volunteering at CLEAR will give you these opportunities and much more. Whether you’re a Supreme Court judge, or a university student interested in pursuing law as a career, we would love to hear from you! With currently no permanent, in-house advocates in our offices, we’re particularly looking for advocates willing to take on cases on a pro-bono basis.
For more information, contact us at


Why not run a marathon, bake some cakes, climb a mountain, or even skydive for CLEAR? The crazier the suggestion the better!


As Christians, we firmly believe in the power and importance of prayer. Without prayer, CLEAR would not be where it is today. Why not commit to praying for our work once a month, once a week, or even every day?! Our UK partners, The Lawyer’s Christian Fellowship, conduct monthly prayer meetings for all of its international projects including CLEAR.
For more information, contact Mhairi Hamilton at